[Skimmer] The heart of the Reef tanks.해수수조(Reef Tank) 2018. 9. 18. 17:46반응형
Skimmer : The Heart of the Reef Tanks
When you first encounter a reef tank as the hobby, you have to know the name of a each machine you couldn't want to know. The equipment that is particularly noticeable in reef tank or fish tank is probably a skimmer.
Skimmers are one of the most essential equipment for maintaining your reef tanks. Some people said that no skimmers is better to maintain the water quality, but we clearly know it's necessary for having the skimmer to keep your reef tanks stable.
The kind of the skimmer classify into the Wood stone skimmer and the needle wheel skimmer according to it’s structure. In the case of Wood Stone Skimmer, a bubble is created through Wood stone or Ceramic Stone using an air pump to filter impurities in the seawater. It is very simple but takes up less space, which is often used in nano reef tanks or pico tanks.